Elenigma - GameJam 01/2024

  • We created a prototype and concept made in one month for the RPG Mania game jam.

    A warrior and his familiar prepare for a voyage. When they return home, nothing is what it used to be. Travel the world in search of answers after. Where will their travels take them? What answers will they find?

    Play as Aruthur and begin your story today.

  • Title: RPG Mania VII

    Dates: January 1st - January 31st

    Theme: Elements

  • https://curlpixel.itch.io/elenigma-beta

  • Artist

    Game Designer

    Narrative Writer

Lessons Learned

  • We began this project with a lot of ideas and interests. As such, I rushed to create many concepts, tiles, and sprites to align with those multiple possibilities. Reflecting on this game jam, it is important to identify the goals of each member, the vision, and timeline before diving in. This will save time and effort.

  • As my first game jam, I was not sure how to work on tiles and environment assets. I learned quickly the importance of ensuring file sizes and sprite sheets organization. One example of this, some sample assets would overlap within a 16x16 space. This caused issues when uploading the assets/sprite into the game engine.

  • Towards the end of the game jam, we pivoted from trying to have a full final product to a demo. This was because our project vision was too big for the time we had for the game jam. Applying what I have learned for future game jams, my goal will be to ensure that the projects are scalable, specific, and simple.


Aqua's Dungeon